Alyssa & Sam’s Surrogacy Journey
Alyssa & Sam’s Surrogacy Journey
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Days to go

Alyssa Lucas is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi there! Our names are Sam & Alyssa Lucas. We would first off like to thank everyone for taking their time to read our story and thank the kind-hearted people who are generous enough to donate to not only our cause, but to anyone else’s.
We are currently on a surrogacy journey in hopes to start our family. Due to medical reasons, I (Alyssa) cannot conceive naturally. I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 14 and put on strong medication that would cause severe birth defects to a baby. To change medications would be putting my life at risk again but I was more than willing to do it. However, upon doing some research I quickly found out that even if I were to change medications, the hormones of pregnancy would ultimately spiral me into a seizure anyway. If I were to be pregnant and have a seizure, it would cause damage to the baby because its oxygen supply would be cut off. Not to mention the other hurdle of other medications causing birth defects as well even though the defects are not as severe. I was also unfortunately diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) at the age of 15, most likely caused by the epilepsy medication I am on and it makes it very hard to conceive as well.
We are looking to surrogacy in hopes to start our family because it would give Sam and I the greatest joy to be able to have children of our own. I’d love to see what silly traits our child would get from Sam and he would love to see my Italian sass passed down to our little one.
Right now, it seems like a long shot given how expensive surrogacy is overall. In the US, the average amount for surrogacy is $190,000 – $230,000 depending on your region. Not to mention, that while we both have great insurance, it doesn’t cover IVF. I wish laws would change but sadly, our insurance deems IVF and surrogacy as non-essential. Currently, we are looking at extra part-time work to help fund our dream and as a police officer, Sam is picking up extra shifts and security details to help us come up with the extra money. We are kindly asking $30,000 to help cover the cost of IVF since we need to create embryos before seeking a surrogate, cover agency costs, legal fees, and travel expenses.
While we know that in this economy, money is very tight, any amount would be greatly appreciated. Any amount, no matter what will be put straight to IVF and surrogacy costs. We both would love to start a family and you could be the person to help fulfill that dream for us. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this, even if you can’t donate, we hope that our story can shed a little insight into the world of infertility and how it can look different to everyone.
Name | Donation | Date |
Christina Storey | $40.00 | August 30, 2024 |
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Alyssa Lucas is organizing this fundraiser.